Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass ...
Its about learning to dance in the rain!!!
There are many things in life that will catch your eye
but only a few will catch your heart... Pursue those

This is my small effort to make you smile for a while...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Who will repay me my tears???-- Just a writing :)

I was born cried a lot don’t know why, may be because I dint want to come to this cruel world. There went my tears in vain but later realized this was for joy and at that point my tears too brought smile on faces of everyone around me…

I grew up to little girl played happily, danced all the way, smiled. Studied and also cried a lot but never felt like asking anyone to repay me my tears as I had got more than that I shed tears for…
I grew up to teenage girl, looking cute and smiling with lot more maturity and lot more intelligence, Studied and sported around shed tears in winning joy, loosing game, getting distinction and loosing friend. But again never asked anyone to repay my tears…

Loved a guy truly, deeply shed tears in caring him, loving him, joy of imaging getting married to him but ended in sacrificing for his lust and happiness. Shed tears a lot for my foolishness of being with him for no meaning, for no love. People dint know me turned back and asked to repay for being with him… Never in any above situation I asked anyone to repay me my tears but I now ask everyone who will repay my tears??? Dint it have any value???? Who will repay it,,,,


Anonymous said...

We are there for u sweet heart....
One thing i can tell you....
Live well, Laugh often, & Love with all of your heart
Life can give u a hundred reasons to cry,
But you can give life a thousand reasons to smile

Arun said...

So many things are there to smile dear friend, Moreover, Still we are all alive . No need to worry ok?